Where do I pay traffic tickets?
- The Municipal Court building located at 4575 Washington St, Florissant, MO 63033
- You may also choose to pay your ticket online by going to https://www.ipaycourt.com/florissant.
How do I post bond for someone who has been arrested?
- If you wish to post a bond for some being held at the Florissant Police Department on a Florissant municipal charge, you will need your identification as the surety, and either cash or a money order in the amount of the bond. We cannot accept personal checks for bond.
How do I obtain a record check.
- Because the Florissant Police Department is only allowed to release information about arrests or conviction on cases originating in Florissant, you must request area wide record checks from the St. Louis County Police Department by appearing in person at 7900 Forsyth Blvd., Clayton, MO.
How do I obtain an order of protection?
You can seek a court order of protection against the person who is abusing your or a dependent child if the following conditions are met:
- Both you and the accused must be:
- At least 18 years of age, unless you are married and living apart from your parents; and
- If not married or living together, have a child in common;
- Living together in the same dwelling, or previously lived together in the same dwelling (even if only for a short time).
- Are related by blood or marriage
- The accused has intentionally injured your; attempted to physically injure you; place you in fear of immediate physical injury; or committed coercion, harassment, sexual assault, or unlawful imprisonment or stalked you.
Where to apply:
Adult Abuse Office, Room 156
St. Louis County Courts Building
7900 Carondolet Avenue
Clayton, MO 63105
Phone: 314/615-4725 or 615-8086
What time is curfew for juveniles?
- Juveniles under age of 17 are not allowed to be out between the hours on 11:00 pm and 5:00 am Sunday through Thursday, and between midnight and 5:00 am on Friday and Saturday nights.
What is neighborhood watch?
- Neighborhood Watch instills a greater sense of security and well being by bringing law enforcement and the community together as a team. The program provides citizens the techniques to reduce the risk of being victimized by improving home security and recognizing suspicious activities. Over 5,000 Florissant residents are active Neighborhood Watch participants.
Don't you have better things to do than write speeding tickets?
- As a matter of fact, traffic related complaints, including speeding, are year after year the number one complaint of Florissant residents. In response to these complaints the department conducts traffic related educational programs, produces media alerts about the problems, employs two radar display trailers to educate motorists about their driving habits, and as a last resort we do write about 15,000 citations annually.
I received a telephone solicitation from a caller representing the police. Was the caller legitimate?
- The Florissant Police Department does not solicit contributions for the department or it's officers and we do not condone this activity. However, various police officer and police chief associations across the state do solicit in this fashion. We believe that if you wish to make a donation to benefit law enforcement you find a more direct method that results in the organization reaping the benefits instead of the operator who may get more than half of the contribution as a fee for the fundraising.
Who do I call if regarding utility outages?
- Water Breaks: Missouri American Water 1-866-430-0820
- Electricity: Ameren UE 342-1000
Contact Us
- Phone: (314) 831-7000
- Staff Directory
- Hours: The building never closes.
Record Room Hours
M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.