A Message from the Chief of Police of Florissant
Chief of Police Tim Fagan |
On behalf of the men and women of the Florissant Police Department, I would like to welcome you to our website. Our website is a crucial part of the many services we provide our community, and it is one of several important avenues we have to stay in touch with those that we serve. I would like to encourage you to further explore the great work of the Florissant Police Department through our website and social media platforms; there you will be able to find monthly crime statistics, information on the different bureaus within the police department, and the various community programs that the Florissant Police Department offers.
I truly believe the Florissant Police Department is among the best and that it is comprised of great employees who were chosen for this profession based on their strong ethics and a demonstrated desire to make a positive difference.
The Florissant Police Department is an internationally accredited law enforcement agency, but more importantly we take a lot of pride in our community and in the services we provide. We will continue to utilize this website to maximize the impact of our service levels, and will constantly review and revise our offering with feedback from users.
Together, we will continue to make our city a wonderful place to live, work, and play.
Again, thank you for visiting our website.
Chief Of Police
Tim Fagan
Mission Statement
"The mission of the Florissant Police Department is to provide the highest quality police services to the people of the City of Florissant, by promoting a safe environment through police and citizen interaction, with an emphasis on integrity, fairness, and professionalism."

The Florissant Police Department has an agreement with LexusNexis to make our Crash Reports available for purchase online. The price of our Crash Reports remains $10.00; however there is a convenience fee added to the cost for the on-line purchase. The fee is charged by LexusNexis not the Police Department. Any individual can still come in to the Police Department and purchase the report in person and the cost is $10.00.
Related Links
- New Camera Program Page
- Crime Free Rental Housing Program
- KTRS - Police Recruitment Ad
- Public Notice - Florissant Police Department seeks Re-Accreditation Accreditation Assessment Team Invites Public Comment
- Information on Reporting Crimes part 2
- Home Security Checklist (NWP)
- Information for Reporting Crimes part 1
- Holiday Shopping Tips
Contact Us
- Phone: (314) 831-7000
- Staff Directory
- Hours: The building never closes.
Record Room Hours
M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.