Do you currently utilize private video surveillance at your home or business? If you do, we'd like to hear from you.
Video surveillance is one of the best methods for apprehending criminals and convicting suspects who are caught in the act of committing a crime. Installing video surveillance is a great example of community-police partnerships and is something the Florissant Police Department values highly.
How Does it Work?
The Resident Camera Program allows residents and business owners to register locations and capabilities of their security camera systems with the Florissant Police Department. Using this information, when a crime occurs, the Florissant Police Department will know the locations of nearby video cameras and be able to collect video evidence and follow up on leads.
What are the Benefits of Registering your Camera?
Because they are caught in the act of committing the crime, video surveillance is one of the best methods to catch suspects and convict them. As crimes occur nearby, many residents and business owners are unaware that their camera systems may have captured information that could help solve a crime. Likewise, police are not always aware of who may have potentially vital video evidence.
By registering your camera with the Florissant Police Department, officers can quickly identify nearby cameras that may have captured criminal activity. After registering your camera, you will only be contacted by the Florissant Police Department if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera and police personnel believe viewing your video footage will assist in the investigation.
If you would like to register your security camera system with the Florissant Police Department and allow officers to contact you should a crime occur in or near where your cameras are installed, please complete the registration process located HERE.
Terms and Conditions
The information you provide regarding your camera systems will be for official use only. Your personal information will remain confidential and not be distributed except as required by law or court order. This program is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw consent to view video footage from your camera system at any time by calling the Florissant Bureau of Investigation. If necessary, the Florissant Police Department will contact you directly, using the information provided by you at the time of registration, to request the appropriate video surveillance footage. Any footage containing or related to criminal activity collected by the Florissant Police Department may be used as evidence during any stage of a criminal proceeding. Under no circumstances shall the registrants construe that they are acting as an agent and/or employee of the City of Florissant and/or the Florissant Police Department through the program.
Have further questions?
See our Camera Registry Program FAQ HERE or Contact the Florissant Bureau of Investigation at 314-831-7000.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a “Camera Registry” Program
Law Enforcement agencies often incorporate a citizen engagement program to acquire additional case evidence. These programs help solve crime faster enabling citizens the opportunity to share any footage their home and office cameras may have recorded related to a case.
Who can register a camera?
Area residents and/or local businesses operating doorbell cameras and security cameras on their premises can register their camera(s) with the department. Camera registry is voluntary and does not provide live streaming video from the device. The department cannot view the registered camera, and only access the video footage when the registrant uploads it.
Who accesses the camera and the footage?
Footage requested and provided is only accessible by authorized law enforcement and only shared with authorized public safety agency members. Camera registry does not provide or authorize access to live video streaming from the device or access to the device itself by law enforcement. The department cannot view the registered camera and can only access the video footage when the registrant uploads it. The department will contact the registrant through text and email with a secure link to use to upload footage. All footage is provided by the device owner on a voluntary basis.
How do I register?
Camera Registry begins on the law enforcement agency’s website and social media page(s) to make registry easy and accessible. Residents and local businesses can register their cameras using the following URL:
Information collected during the registration process includes camera location(s), owner contact information, and the timeframe of stored footage.
How is the information used and who will know if I provided video footage?
Providing footage is on a voluntary basis. Footage (requested and provided) is only accessible by authorized law enforcement and only shared with authorized public safety agency members. No third-party access is allowed. The department cannot view the registered camera and can only access the video footage when the registrant uploads it. The department will contact the registrant through text and email with a secure link to use to upload footage. All footage is provided by the device owner on a voluntary basis.
When would my footage be needed?
Your law enforcement agency may reach out for case assistance as they work an investigation. This request may be made to a single resident our group of citizens directly or even as a request through media and social media outlets.
What information is sent to me?
The department will contact the registrant through text and/or email with a secure link to use to upload footage. All footage is provided by the device owner on a voluntary basis.
Is this a monitoring service?
The camera registry program is not a monitoring service. Registered cameras are not monitored by the police department. Registrants are only providing camera and contact information, and camera registry does not provide or authorize access to live video streaming from the device or access to the device itself by law enforcement. The department will contact the registrant through text and email with a secure link to use to upload footage should there be an incident in the area. All footage is provided by the device owner on a voluntary basis.