Chairman of the Board - Clayton Davis & Associates, Inc.
Phone: 314-862-7800
Email: idcda@aol.com
Irvin's Biography:
Irvin Davis serves as Chairman of the Board of Clayton-Davis & Associates, Inc., which is one of St. Louis' most respected public relations companies. Mr. Davis founded the company in1953.
Mr. Davis has also been active in the communications industry, where he has owned four radio stations and a video production company.
Over the years he has won just about every creative award given internationally in television, film production, design and communications. Mr. Davis has won several local Emmys and was recently honored in 2007 by St. Andrews Resources as an "Ageless/Remarkable Saint Louisan."
In 1991, he won the National Emmy for a Public Service Campaign, the American Medical Writers Award and the Valley Forge Award for a campaign, he wrote and produced, addressing the growing use and dangers of steroid use by high school and college athletes.
Of particular interest to Mr. Davis was the work he did with the Commonwealth of Kentucky's Department of Highway Safety. His work awarded him a personal citation from Governors' Wendell Ford and Julian Carroll.
Mr. Davis has been dedicated to building a better community. From near its beginnings, he was an active Executive Officer and Board leader of Boys & Girls Town of Missouri; taking it from a small resident center for wayward boys to a major social services agency serving children throughout the United States. He also served on the original board, which planned and built the Jackie Joyner Kersee Boys & Girls Club in East Saint Louis.
Mr. Davis was a Chairman with the Child Assistance Program, which provided assistance, counsel and housing for abused women and their children. He is currently Vice President of the Crusade Against Crime and is a past President of the National Academy of Television Arts & Science, and Immediate Past President of the St. Louis Artists' Guild.
Mr. Davis has an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from National College and an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Logan College.
Mr. Davis serves on several corporate boards and is very involved in the real estate industry.