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Event Date:

Apr 11, 2016 from 7:30 PM - End
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Event Location:

Council Chambers
955 St Francois
Florissant, MO 63031
[Location Details|Map]

Event Description:

Public Hearing

      In accordance with 405.310 of the Florissant Zoning Code a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of Florissant, MO. in the Council Chambers, 955 Rue St. Francois, on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. on the following proposition:

         To authorize an amendment to Special Use Permit No. 8063 to allow for the expansion of Club Fitness in a B-3 Zoning District for the property located at 745-755 N Highway 67 (legal description to govern).  Citizens will have an opportunity to be heard.  Anyone with special needs should contact the City Clerk at least 5 days before said public hearing by calling 839-7630 or TDD 839-5142.       CITY OF FLORISSANT, Karen Goodwin, MMC City Clerk


Public Hearing

      In accordance with 405.310 of the Florissant Zoning Code a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of Florissant, MO. in the Council Chambers, 955 Rue St. Francois, on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. on the following proposition:

         To authorize an amendment to Special Use Permit No. 4599, as amended and transferred by Ord. Nos. 7009 and 7200, to allow for the operation of a micro-brewery in a B-3 Zoning District for the property located at 1575 N Highway 67 (legal description to govern).  Citizens will have an opportunity to be heard.  Anyone with special needs should contact the City Clerk at least 5 days before said public hearing by calling 839-7630 or TDD 839-5142.       CITY OF FLORISSANT, Karen Goodwin, MMC City Clerk


                 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE

          Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 405.135 of the Florissant City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri, in the Council Chambers, 955 rue St. Francois, on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. on the following proposition, to wit:

          To issue an amendment to B-5 Ordinance No. 8080 to allow for an addition to the existing building for the property located at 620 Charbonier Road (legal description to govern).  Citizens and parties of interest will have the opportunity to be heard at said public hearing.  Anyone with special needs should contact the City Clerk at least 5 days before said public hearing by calling 839-7630 or TDD 839-5142.


Karen Goodwin, MMC City Clerk.



         Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Florissant, MO, in the Council Chambers, 955 Rue St. Francois, on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. on the following proposition:

         To amend the Zoning Code in order to allow for a micro-brewery as a Special Use in any B, H-B, and M Zoning District.    Citizens and parties of interest will have the opportunity to be heard at said public hearing.  Anyone with special needs should contact the City Clerk at least 5 days before said public hearing by calling 839-7630 or TDD 839-5142. CITY OF FLORISSANT.        

Karen Goodwin, CMC, City Clerk.