Public Hearing Notice - February 25 - Community Development CAPER for FY 2020

KTRS Ads - Police Recruitment / Black History Month / Economic Development


CDBG Covid-19 Needs Assessment

Permit Applications

Doing Business with the City of Florissant Remotely (updated 11/16/2020)

COVID-19 Updates (2/10/2021)

Job Opportunities

Sign up for E-Notify!

FCTV Live & Council Meeting Video Archive

City of Florissant Youtube Channel

Upcoming Florissant Golf Club Tournaments

2021 Planning Calendar

Crime Free Residential
Rental Seminar

Crime Free Information

IRS Phone Scam Information

Whether you have lived in Florissant since you were a child or are planning a future here for your children, we hope you will find our website a fun and informative portal to our community.

Florissant is a community of over 50,000 people situated in North St Louis County. It is a progressive and thriving town with a reputation for being 'warm & friendly.

Florissant offers many wonderful services and a wide variety of amenities for residents of all ages from toddlers to Senior Citizens. It's one of the safest cities of its size West of the Mississippi River.

Whether you're here for a day or a lifetime, this is a great place to be!

The position of City Clerk was created by the Charter of the City of Florissant, Section 3-12. Appointed by the Mayor, the City Clerk serves in several capacities: Prepares and distributes Council agendas and writes legislation for the City Council to consider, serves as the custodian of records and processes Freedom of Information requests, authenticates by signature all ordinances, resolutions, and attests to contracts, administers Oaths of Office to elected officials and certain employees, prepares and certifies the election ballots, prepares and issues liquor licenses for new establishments as well as yearly renewals, processes special use transfers and event permits, to name a few. The City Clerk also provides legislative assistance to the City Attorney and City Council, researching information when needed.

Boards and Commissions

The City has 18 Boards and Commissions to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council.  Click here to learn more about them and how to volunteer. 

Register to Vote

Residents can register to vote or update their voter registration by utilizing the form below. For more information about Saint Louis County elections, including ballot issues or polling places, visit County Elections.

Council Meetings

The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month in the Council Chambers, Florissant City Hall, 955 Rue St Francois, at 7:00PM. Meetings are open to the public. Citizens may speak for up to 3 minutes under "hearings from citizens" about items not necessarily on the agenda.

Council Meetings can be viewed live on City of Florissant Facebook Page, the Media web page, or our Youtube page

Our past council meetings can viewed from our Media web page here.  

Your Council Representative

There are 9 wards, each represented by an elected council member. If you would like to find out what ward you are in, please check the Street Guide, which is a listing of all streets and specific wards, or for additional assistance please call the City Clerk's office. For a comprehensive look at all of the wards please see the Ward Map for the City of Florissant

Agenda access

The agenda is now hosted on a separate web page.  When you reach this page (Agenda Web Page), if you click on a meeting in blue, you will reach the agenda page for that meeting.

Please contact the city clerk at 839-7630 or with question or if you need additional information.

Florissant Council Members


Ward 1 - Andrew Harris



Ward 2 - Paul Manganelli



Ward 3 - Joseph Eagan



Ward 4 - Jeff Caputa



Ward 5 - Keith Schildroth



Ward 6 - Tom O'Donnell



Ward 7 - Jackie Pagano


Ward 8 - Vacant



Ward 9 - Tommy Siam


Community Development and Housing Resource Center

Florissant's Community Development Department has many resources available for residents and newcomers, such as information on Housing, Community Development, and Neighborhood Stabilization. 

The City of Florissant participates in the Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The CDBG program funds a variety of home improvement loan programs as well as public service activities that benefit the residents of Florissant.

Community Development Programs:

              • Home Improvement Program (HIP) 
              • Home Improvement Mechanical (HIP-M)
              • Accessible Home Modification Program

2024 Household Income Guidelines for program eligibility:

One-Person Household             $57,800

Two persons                              $66,050

Three persons                            $74,300

Four persons                             $82,550

Five persons                              $89,200

Six persons                                $95,800

Seven persons                           $102,400

Eight persons                            $109,000

Home Improvement Program (HIP)

Low- Moderate Income-eligible Florissant residents will be able to apply for a $7,000 forgivable loan to be used towards necessary home repairs. It is NOT for remodeling or cosmetic repairs. 

The 2025 HIP Program Application will be available here and at our offices on April 1, 2025 .

We will accept COMPLETED applications first come, first served on May 1, 2025

Accessible Home Modification

The Florissant Accessible Home Modification Program provides eligible Florissant residents with up to a $3,000 grant to aid in the installation of an accessibility ramp, grab bars, handrails, and other necessary modifications to make a their home safe. Please note that a doctor's note is required as part of the application process.

For further information on eligibility and to print the full application, please click the link below:

Accessible Home Modification Application

Home Improvement Program - Mechanical (HVAC systems)

The Community Development Office offers their Home Improvement - Mechanical Program as long as funds are available. This program offers a grant of up to $5,000 to a limited number of qualified Florissant residents for the replacement/repair of heating/cooling units and water heaters.

We are currently out of funding and not accepting applications at this time.

Housing Resource Center

The Housing Resource Center offers prospective home buyers and renter's information about available housing opportunities in Florissant as well as information about City amenities.  The housing resource center also offers existing homeowners a number of programs, assistance, and resources to help meet their individual needs.

Downpayment Assistance Program

DPA 2024

Please reach out DIRECTLY to one of the agencies listed above.

Beautiful Home Award:

Beautiful Home Awards

The City of Florissant is conducting its Beautiful Home Award Program again this year sponsored by the Citizen Participation Commission. The program is to recognize homeowners who take pride in the appearance of their home and community. To be eligible for the contest a home must be an owner-occupied single-family dwelling. Residents may nominate either their own home or other homes in the city. The judging criterion includes, but is not limited to, landscaping, attractive exterior, overall curb appeal and maintenance of the property.

One winner will be chosen from each of the city's nine wards. The winners will receive recognition from the City Council, including a certificate of appreciation and a Beautiful Home yard sign. Previous winners must wait three (3) years before consideration for another award.

Application will be accepted starting May 1, 2025 

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently seeking individuals who want to serve their community by helping a Florissant resident in need. Donate a day of your time with the Florissant Community Development department, assisting in yard clean ups and small home maintenance projects.

If you are interested in participating in a volunteer project, please reach out to our office at or call (314) 839-7680.

To find out more about what we offer the community, please check out our Document Center.

Click here to be directed to our new "Choose Florissant"

Economic Development Website!

Welcome to TEAM FLORISSANT. Make Florissant Part of Your Plan.

The Economic Development Department is aggressively promoting Florissant and its assets to business leaders within our region, as well as to decision-makers nationally, as companies make business relocation and expansion decisions.

Florissant has a strong central focus to attract, retain and expand businesses that add vitality to the entire region. It is our mission to ensure a healthy, profitable business climate that will attract new residents to the community while supporting our existing neighborhoods and heritage.

Economic Development entails improvement and progress in our community without compromising the City's proud past. We have a City leadership that is supportive of development with a proactive commitment to further development.

"Team Florissant" has a desire to work as a team to improve the City's business climate and make the process as simple as possible.

For a list of available properties please contact Patrick Mulcahy at or 314-839-7690. or 314-839-7690.

List of relevant links:

Florissant Comprehensive Plan website

Historic Sites

Old Town Partners


Business Directory

The Finance Department is responsible for all financial functions for the City of Florissant.  Those functions include cash handling, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting, annual business licenses, property accounting, payroll, budgeting, purchasing, and risk management.  The Finance Department also maintains the City's general ledger and reporting activity of the various funds, including the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, Enterprise Funds, Internal Service Funds, Capital Improvement Funds, Trust & Agency Funds, and Bond Funds.

Memo on Deficit Spending & Budgeting

Memo on Sale of Water System

*You must have Adobe Reader to view these documents


Information on current job openings with the City of Florissant may be obtained by calling (314) 595-3640 , Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. or ask your questions via e-mail:

Click here to apply online for current job opportunities. 

Applications and resumes will only be accepted for posted openings. Applicants may apply in person at the Human Resources Department in the Florissant Government Building, 1055 Rue St. Francois, Florissant, MO 63031.


Mayor Timothy J. Lowery

Mayor’s Page

Mayor Timothy Lowery has served the City of Florissant for over three decades. Tim has been the Chief of Police since 2012 until being elected Mayor of the City of Florissant in April of 2019 and re-elected in 2023.

Mayor Lowery comes from a proud family that has been involved with public service for as long as he can remember.  His priorities include economic development, improved schools, and public safety. He knows what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies and to get things done. Mayor Lowery’s innovative ideas and philosophies as Chief of Police have improved service to the community. He continues to improve these services as Mayor.

As Mayor Lowery moved through the ranks of the Florissant Police Department as Chief, his accomplishments are many, including memberships in the various elite law enforcement organizations.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police Executive Board, State Association of Chiefs of Police General Chair,  Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy  Member Eastern District of Missouri Chapter Past President,  Missouri Police Chiefs Association President,  St. Louis Area Police Chiefs Association Secretary,  President Missouri Peace Officers Association, Greater St. Louis Major Case Squad Executive Board Member,  Back Stoppers of Greater St. Louis-Member, St. Louis County and Municipal Police Academy Board of Managers and  F.B.I National Advisory Board Member.

Mayor Lowery is very active in the community. He is a member of many community-based organizations which includes, North County Labor Legislative Club, Knights of Columbus Duchesne Council 2951, President of the Florissant Rotary Club, Florissant Elks Club, Old Town Partners, VFW Post 4105 - Friends of Veterans Member, North County Chamber of Commerce, North County Incorporated Executive Board Member, President of the Municipal League of Metro St. Louis, Vice President of Metro Mayors and St. Louis County Veterans Coalition.

Tim has both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Management from Lindenwood University.  In addition, he has an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice from Florissant Valley Community College, and in 2008, he graduated from the F.B.I. National Academy in Quantico Virginia.

Tim has been married to his wife Laurie for 36 years and they have one son,- Bryan who is married to Neely and they have two daughters named Lilah and Rory.  Tim and Laurie are active parishioners at Sacred Heart Church.


Judge Mary Elizabeth Dorsey



For questions or information concerning the class action settlement in the case of Baker, et al., v. City of Florissant, Missouri., Civil Action No. 4:16-cv-1693-RHH, please go to the following website:

To look up your case(s) information:

Casenet Litigant Search Site

All court sessions are now in person. 

Proper attire is required. No shorts, halter tops or tank tops allowed in the courtroom.

ATTORNEYS: EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2019, If your client’s case was issued after this date, you are required to e-file your information to the Court using the Missouri CaseNet program. All correspondence directed to the Prosecuting Attorney will be handled via mail, fax or in person.  Their fax number is 314-582-9728

For viewing and paying cases online that were filed with the court 11-1-19 or after, visit

For all other cases see:


Judge Mary Elizabeth Dorsey

A division of the 21st Judicial Circuit Court of St. Louis County, the Florissant Municipal Division is responsible for the processing of all municipal violations.  The Court is administratively operated by the Court Administrator, with the assistance of the Court Clerk staff.

The Judge and Clerk of Court are empowered to collect fines, take oaths, sign and issue subpoenas, establish and operate the Violations Bureau and perform all other duties provided by the Municipal Code, ordinance and state law.


  • The Florissant Municipal Division is located at 4575 Washington Street, Florissant, MO 63033
  • Court is currently held ten times a month. Please call if you need to confirm your court date.
  • Dockets are called on a first-come, first-serve basis. The doors open 1 hour prior to your court time to begin checking in.
  • For the safety of all of those in attendance, all persons are required to pass through a metal detector and are subject to a search prior to entering the court room.
  • If you enter a plea of Not Guilty on your court date, a later date will be set for trial.
  • If you plead guilty at Court and are unable to pay your fine at that time, you can set up an Installment Payment Agreement. You will not be arrested for not having money to pay your fine on your court date.
  • If you do not come to Court when summonsed to do so, a warrant for your arrest may be issued.


The Violations Bureau is established as a convenience to the public.  It is not intended to replace a court appearance for pleas of Not Guilty.  If you believe that you are not guilty of the offense charged, you should appear in court on the date on your summons.

Violations which may be paid outside of court proceedings may be paid in person, online or by mail.   We do not accept checks from anyone other than the defendant.  Our normal business hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.  The Municipal Court Office is closed on weekends and most holidays.  There is a drop box at the main entrance for payments after hours.  We recommend to not put cash in the drop box.

Empty heading

The City of Florissant Parks and Recreation Department offers a vast array of Parks and Recreation opportunities to the community. The City has 20 Parks, two Recreation Facilities (JJE and JFK), A Nature Lodge, a Splash Pad (Koch Park), two aquatic centers (Koch and Bangert) and a beautiful 18 hole Golf Course. You can now register for classes online, sign up for leagues, and put down a deposit on one of our many newly updated party rooms and event venues

The James J. Eagan Community Center includes:

  • A Gymnasium for rent and open Basketball play (1 lap = 380 ft., 1 mile = 14 laps)
  • An Indoor Swimming Pool with a variety of programming
  • A Fitness Center
  • A seasonal covered outdoor Ice Rink
  • A 600 seat theater
  • A pc and gaming lounge (Fusion 314)
  • And several meeting rooms available for rent

The John F. Kennedy Community Center includes:

  • A Gymnasium for rent and open basketball play (1 mile = 17 laps)
  • A Fitness Center
  • A Racquetball Court
  • And several meeting rooms available for rent
  • Splash Pad 8:30am-8pm 7 days a week (*Except* Tuesday opens late at 1130am-8pm for cleaning)

New fees 2024

See a link to our current brochure below for more information on classes, events, rentals & more! Please like us on Facebook ( for up to date information & news from the department!

eaganfront   JFK Exterior

James J. Eagan (JJE) Center
314-921-4466 314-921-4466
1 James J. Eagan Dr.
JFK Community Center

315 Howdershell Rd.
Facility Hours
M-F 6:00A* - 8:00P
SAT 8:00A - 5:00P
SU 10:00A - 5:00P
*6:00-8:00A open to passholders only

Fusion 314
M-F 3:00P - 10:00P
SAT 10:00A - 10:00P
SU 10:00A - 10:00P
Facility Hours
M-F 8:00A - 8:00P
SAT 8:00A -5:00P
SU 10:00A - 5:00P

General Information

Register Early for Programs                                                                                                                                                          

  All programs must meet minimum enrollment in order to be offered. If there are not enough registrants, a course will be canceled. Minimum enrollment must be met at least one week in advance of the start date of the class. Florissant Parks and Recreation reserves the right to cancel, postpone, combine classes or change instructors as needed.  If a class is canceled due to lack of enrollment, registered participants will be notified of an alternate class or program if one is available, or offered a full refund or account credit for registration fee paid.

Registration Policy                                                                                                                                                     

    Registration begins shortly after 8am on the date indicated and will continue on a space available basis.  Current residents’ cards must be presented at the time of registration in order to receive resident rates.  Children under four years of age must have a parent’s resident card.  Phone registration begins at 9 am on the date indicated as the first day of registration.

Class and Membership Refund Policy                                                                                                                                                 Registrants’ cancelling before a class begins will receive a full refund minus $5 processing charge.  Participants canceling after a class begins will receive no more than a 50% refund.  No refund will be given after the session is ½ complete or for classes that require less than a $5 registration fee.  No refund will be given on pool or facility memberships, summer day camp after the registration deadline or pavilions rentals.  All refunds request must be made at least 24 hours before the start of any program or class.  All refund request may take up to 14 business days to process.

Full Court Basketball                                                                                                                                                                                In order to maximize the space in our gymnasium and serve as many guests as possible, full court play will only be allowed during the final hour of the building in question on M/W/SU.  Outside of these times, only half court games will be allowed.

Florissant Business Owners

The owner of any Florissant Business located within the city limits, along with immediate family living in their household, shall be deemed a resident and therefore be eligible to receive a resident card. This applies to the individual listed on the business license only. To obtain the resident card as a business owner, you must visit the JJE center or the JFK Center with a photo ID. You will only be issued a card upon verification of your business ownership and current business license through Public Works. The verification can only be done Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. It may take up to two business days to verify.

The City of Florissant has an ongoing commitment and obligation to ensure the highest level of public safety for its citizens and staff. Consequently, in the event of hazardous weather, emergency situations, or potentially unsafe conditions, it may become necessary to alter the hours of operation for some or all City facilities. 

For the latest information on closures, cancellations or postponements of Parks & Recreation Department facilities, programs or services, please call the "Facilities and Programs Hotline" at 314-266-7335 or find us on Facebook.For the latest information on closures, cancellations or postponements of Parks & Recreation Department facilities, programs or services, please call the "Facilities and Programs Hotline" at 314-266-7335 or find us on Facebook.

JJE Gym Calendar

JFK February 2025 Gym Calendar

JFK March 2025 Gym Calendar

Rainout Line Phone Number: 314-266-7335Rainout Line Phone Number: 314-266-7335

You can now register for classes online, sign up for leagues, and put down a deposit on one of our many newly updated party rooms and event venues

A Message from the Chief of Police of Florissant

chief fagan

Chief of Police Tim Fagan 


On behalf of the men and women of the Florissant Police Department, I would like to welcome you to our website. Our website is a crucial part of the many services we provide our community, and it is one of several important avenues we have to stay in touch with those that we serve. I would like to encourage you to further explore the great work of the Florissant Police Department through our website and social media platforms; there you will be able to find monthly crime statistics, information on the different bureaus within the police department, and the various community programs that the Florissant Police Department offers.

I truly believe the Florissant Police Department is among the best and that it is comprised of great employees who were chosen for this profession based on their strong ethics and a demonstrated desire to make a positive difference.

The Florissant Police Department is an internationally accredited law enforcement agency, but more importantly we take a lot of pride in our community and in the services we provide. We will continue to utilize this website to maximize the impact of our service levels, and will constantly review and revise our offering with feedback from users.

Together, we will continue to make our city a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

Again, thank you for visiting our website.


Chief Of Police

Tim Fagan

Mission Statement

"The mission of the Florissant Police Department is to provide the highest quality police services to the people of the City of Florissant, by promoting a safe environment through police and citizen interaction, with an emphasis on integrity, fairness, and professionalism."

Follow the Florissant PD on Facebook,  Twitter, and NIXLE!

Purchase Crash Reports On-Line

The Florissant Police Department has an agreement with LexusNexis to make our Crash Reports available for purchase online. The price of our Crash Reports remains $10.00; however there is a convenience fee added to the cost for the on-line purchase. The fee is charged by LexusNexis not the Police Department. Any individual can still come in to the Police Department and purchase the report in person and the cost is $10.00.


Todd Hughes
Todd Hughes, P.E.
To make a service request, click here, call, or email

The Public Works Department is a highly diverse department composed of four (4) separate divisions: Building, Engineering, Health & Street. These various divisions are responsible for the health and safety of our residents by providing various inspections on existing and new construction, maintaining the structural safety of our bridges, and maintaining all City-owned streets, just to name a few.

The Public Works department employs 49 full-time and 14 part-time personnel, as well as many seasonal employees.

To learn more about the four divisions of the Public Works Department, click on the links on this page.


The Purchasing Department, a division of the Finance Department, is responsible for approving and processing the purchase of goods and services.

The Purchasing Department maintains a bidders list that is used when going out for bids for goods and services. To be placed on the bidders list please fill out the Bidders List Application and either mail, email, or fax it to the purchasing department. Bidders are responsible for updating their application every three years to stay on the bidders list. If no update is received after three years you will be removed from our bidders list. 

To view past and present Bid Tabulations and Current Bid Opportunities, please look under Topics of Interest to the right.


We are now located inside the JFK Community Center at 315 Howdershell Rd at Koch Park. 
Come see our new place!

Welcome to the Senior Citizen Department!  Residents 60 years of age or older are invited to participate in the many Senior Citizen Programs, Events and Services offered by the City of Florissant.  When you obtain a Florissant Resident Card a gold frame is placed around your picture showing that you are a resident over the age of 60 and eligible for the special discounts available in the Parks Department (GAP) and the Services and Programs offered in the Senior Office.  Obtain your resident card by bringing a photo ID and proof of residency (unpaid utility bill, bank statement, paycheck stub, or a monthly business statement dated within the last 30 days) to one of our Community Centers – the JFK Center or the James J. Eagan Center.    

The City of Florissant Senior Office is located inside the JFK Community Center at 315 Howdershell Rd at Koch Park. The Senior Office phone numbers are:  314-839-7604 and 314-839-7605.  Please call 839-7603 to make a reservation for Friday lunches.The City of Florissant Senior Office is located at 621 rue St. Francois.  The Senior Office phone numbers are:  314-839-7604 and 314-839-7605.  Please call 839-7603 to make a reservation for Friday lunches.

Click The Links Below for upcoming Senior Citizen Programs and Events

Click Here for 2025 Calendar of Events

Thursday Lunch Program - March


If you have any ideas or suggestions for senior programs or activities you would like to see in the City of Florissant, contact the Senior Office at: or


The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office prosecutes all violations of the City’s ordinances.

The Prosecuting Attorney for the City of Florissant is Keith Cheung.  The Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys are Stephanie Karr, Craig Smith, Ross Davis and Kyle Cronin.

The Administrative Assistant is Gina Rosado.

The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office can be contacted by phone at (314) 595-3618, or by regular mail at 4575 Washington St., Florissant, MO 63033.

Attorney Information

All requests for recommendations and discovery must be mailed directly to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office by regular mail and include a copy of the Entry of Appearance filed with the Court and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. PLEASE NOTE, simply filing an entry of appearance filed with the Court is not a request for recommendation.

Any relevant documentation that would assist the prosecutor in making a recommendation, i.e. proof of insurance, registration, reinstatement, hardship license, should be submitted with a request for recommendation if applicable.  If your client is involved in an accident, a copy of an insurance card is NOT SUFFICIENT.  You must submit a letter from your client’s insurance carrier verifying that your client had valid liability insurance on the date of the accident providing coverage on the vehicle your client was operating.  On all DWS, DWR or NO Operator’s License charges, NO AMENDMENT will be made without proof that your client has been reinstated or has a limited or hardship privilege or has obtained a license.

All requests for recommendations will be promptly handled.  If you do not receive a recommendation within 3 weeks of your request, it is your responsibility to contact the Prosecuting Attorneys Office.  A request for a recommendation does NOT serve as a request for a continuance and all recommendations will remain on the original court date.  It is counsel’s responsibility to request a continuance from the Court.  The Court requires all motions for continuance to be in writing and filed with the Court no later than one day before your scheduled court date, otherwise an appearance is required.

To accept a recommendation, the Court requires that the recommendation be signed by both counsel and the defendant and filed with the Court with payment in full.  If payment in full is not made prior to the court date, the Court requires an appearance by both counsel and defendant.  All questions regarding continuances and appearances should be directed to the Court and not this office.

Contact Information:

Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, City of Florissant
4575 Washington Street
Florissant, Missouri 63033
(314) 595-3618